Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen

Name of organisation

Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen

Contact details

Dr Julia Mitchell
Head of Knowledge Exchange, Impact and Communications
The Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen
Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD

+44 (0)1224 438692


The Rowett Institute has a series of educational activities and resources for teachers and parents to use on nutrition, health, food and food sustainability.  All activities are curriculum linked and freely downloadable for use at school or home.

Web link(s) to resources:

What age of pupils do your resources / activity target?

  • Early level

  • First level

  • Second level

  • 3rd and 4th level

  • Senior phase

  • ASN

Key areas of activity

  • Cooking

  • Nutrition

  • Skills development

  • STEM

  • Industry Growth

  • Industry Partnerships

  • Industry support

  • Health

  • Food Safety

  • Sustainability

  • Education

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