British Nutrition Foundation

Name of organisation

British Nutrition Foundation

Contact details

Clare Theobald

Education Services Manager


Food - a fact of life is a comprehensive, progressive education programme which communicates up-to-date, evidence based, consistent, accurate messages around ‘food’ to all those involved in education.

Food - a fact of life - free resources for teaching young people aged 3- 16 years about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating

Web link(s) to resources:

Food a Fact of Life

What age of pupils do your resources / activity target?

  • Early level

  • First level

  • Second level

  • 3rd and 4th level

  • ASN

Key areas of activity

  • Farming

  • Growing

  • Cooking

  • Nutrition

  • Primary Production

  • Aquacuture

  • Manufacturing

  • Careers awareness / promotion

  • Skills development

  • STEM

  • Health

  • Food Safety

  • Sustainability

  • Education

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